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/ Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1 / Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 2: CDPD 1.iso / pd / 026-050 / 049 / qmouse / lacetogl.asm < prev    next >
Assembly Source File  |  1995-03-13  |  3KB  |  82 lines

  1.          PLEN 60
  2. **********************************************************************
  3. *    Program: LACETOGL- A CLI program to force interlace mode on/off.
  4. *    Author:  Robert Rethemeyer, Sunnyvale, CA  (thru BBS-HT)
  5. *    Date:    07/22/86
  7. **********************************************************************
  8. * This program is modeled after the "SETLACE" C program by
  9. * Bob Pariseau on Fish disk #9.  The advantage of LACETOGL is its
  10. * small size: 248 bytes instead of 15504 for SETLACE.  It takes up only
  11. * one block of space on your workbench disk.  This program works with
  12. * either DOS 1.1 or 1.2, however with 1.2 it has no effect if the
  13. * Workbench Interlace preference is already on.  For more information,
  14. * refer to the documentation accompanying the SETLACE program.
  15. *
  16. * To use this program, just execute it from a CLI.  If interlace mode
  17. * is off, it will be turned on; if it is already on, it is turned off.
  18. * It prints the message "Interlace Toggled" if successful.
  19. **********************************************************************
  20.          NOLIST
  21.   INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
  22.   INCLUDE "libraries/dos_lib.i"
  23.   INCLUDE "graphics/gfxbase.i"
  24.   INCLUDE "graphics/display.i"
  25.          LIST
  26. ExecBase EQU  4
  27.          XREF  _LVOOpenLibrary
  28.          XREF  _LVOCloseLibrary
  29.          XREF  _LVORemakeDisplay
  30. **********************************************************************
  31. LaceTogl:
  32.          MOVE.L  ExecBase,a6
  33. *                                   OPEN DOS LIBRARY
  34.          LEA     doslib(pc),a1
  35.          MOVEQ   #0,d0
  36.          JSR     _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
  37.          MOVE.L  d0,a4
  38.          BEQ.S   broke1
  39. *                                   OPEN GRAPHICS LIBRARY
  40.          LEA     gfxlib(pc),a1
  41.          MOVEQ   #0,d0
  42.          JSR     _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
  43.          MOVE.L  d0,a5
  44.          BEQ.S   broke2
  45. *                                   OPEN INTUITION LIBRARY
  46.          LEA     intlib(pc),a1
  47.          MOVEQ   #0,d0
  48.          JSR     _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
  49.          MOVE.L  d0,a3
  50.          BEQ.S   broke3
  51. *                                   TOGGLE INTERLACE MODE
  52.          EOR.W   #INTERLACE,gb_system_bplcon0(a5)
  53.          MOVE.L  a3,a6
  54.          JSR     _LVORemakeDisplay(a6)
  55.          MOVE.L  ExecBase,a6
  56. *                                   PRINT SUCCESS MESSAGE
  57.          JSR     _LVOOutput(a4)
  58.          MOVE.L  d0,d1
  59.          LEA     mesg(pc),a2
  60.          MOVE.L  a2,d2
  61.          MOVEQ   #18,d3
  62.          JSR     _LVOWrite(a4)
  63. *                                   CLEAN UP AND RETURN
  64.          MOVE.L  a3,a1
  65.          JSR     _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
  66. broke3   MOVE.L  a5,a1
  67.          JSR     _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
  68. broke2   MOVE.L  a4,a1
  69.          JSR     _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
  70. broke1   MOVEQ   #0,d0
  71.          RTS                        ALL DONE
  72. ************************************************************       
  73.          CNOP    0,2
  74. mesg     DC.B    'Interlace Toggled',10
  75.          CNOP    0,2
  76. doslib   DC.B    'dos.library',0
  77.          CNOP    0,2
  78. gfxlib   DC.B    'graphics.library',0
  79.          CNOP    0,2
  80. intlib   DC.B    'intuition.library',0
  81.          END